Ipad Mini

iPad Mini Lessons

Diy Heart Patterned Jeans

Your jeans may have the same look if you want. You just need something with the shape of a heart, something to paint the jeans and a brush. Lay the paint on and then remove the pattern. Now your jeans look more attractive and fashionable.

How to make up a floating shelf

If you are good at painting and have big imagination the job is for you. You can paint the wall in a way that the image seems to be a real object. When we put a board on the wall that shelf seems to be floating. In fact, it is not so difficult to be done. But the result is impressing and awesome.

Learn How to de-pill your clothing

Here is an interesting and useful advice. Your clothes can be depilated such as your skin could be. You can use a razor or depilating plasters and you’ll see that the result is obvious. It’s really strange and curious fact.


Diy Easy Scrap Fabric Bracelet

Use your imagination and create a bracelet similar to one of these. You can do it on your own by means of a pair of scissors, glue and thread. Braid different strings and colours and make a unique bracelet that would impress other people.


Idea How To Make Beautiful Ankle Chain

Ankle chains are something rare although they are really interesting. You can try making one by hand. You need a chain, a leather tape, glue and a brush to spread it. Stick or sew the tape to a shoe and put the chain. It might not be a regular accessory but there is no doubt that it is attractive and distinctive.


How To Make a Vintage Marquee

You can shape the letters from paper or cardboard. Pierce them and put lights. At first, the method seems elementary but when you see the marquee from distance, you realize how successful it is.
